Workshops & Resources

As part of the IAR Family Experience, we will be conducting two workshops starting in late October. The first of those will be about Rites & Rituals and the second will be about Logistics & Itinerary. We will share additional information via email as we get closer to the dates. For now, please access the resources that will be used below:

Rites & Rituals Resources

We will provide printed copies of the one-page guide and six Guide Cards in Medina!

  1. Start Here: Watch the Slides presented at the Workshop: Click Here
  2. Download the One-Page Umrah Guide: Click Here
  3. Ihram Guide (How to put on the Ihram?): Click Here for the Playlist
  4. Watch the Recording of the Workshop with Sh. Saif: Coming Soon (November ’24)

Logistics & Detailed Itinerary

  1. Start Here: These are the Slides presented at the November ’23 Workshop: Click Here
    We will release our detailed version closer to the end of October insha’Allaah!
  2. Watch the Recording of the Workshop with Br Hassan: Coming Soon (November ’24)